Striving to increase the number of service members in need who can access, and hopefully benefit, from an effective PTSD treatment.

Targeted Strategies to Accelerate Evidence-Based Psychotherapies Implementation in Military Settings
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a significant problem in the military, impacting as many as 1 in 5 military personnel. Despite efforts to train military providers in effective psychotherapies for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), only a minority of service members receive these treatments. This four-year study is aimed at increasing use of evidence-based psychotherapies (therapies proven effective in research) in clinics on military bases. This trial tests whether a tailored process improvement approach (using a toolkit for matching specific change strategies to local barriers) is more effective than provider training alone in expanding the proportion of patients who receive an EBP. The project, led by Dr. Craig Rosen and Dr. Carmen McLean at the National Center for PTSD, includes collaborators from five universities and eight military treatment facilities.
The objectives of this study are to test in a stepped-wedge randomized trial whether the Targeted Assessment and Context-Tailored Implementation of Change Strategies (TACTICS) increases use of evidence-based psychotherapy more than provider training alone. Secondary outcomes include effects of TACTICS on average improvement in PTSD symptoms, and satisfaction with the TACTICS process.
This work is funded by the Department of Defense through grant #W81XWH-17-C-0236.